Austin Advanced Practice Nurses

AAPN business meeting

Posted over 3 years ago by Stephanie Dang

The board of directors met last month for the quarterly business meeting and often present the minutes at a dinner meeting. Unfortunately, due to covid19 precautions, there have been limited meetings. Please see the below board meeting minutes from last quarter which have been approved by the board.

Education Committee (Henry Guevera): there will be upcoming in-person meetings with limited seating to meet the requirements of Covid19 precautions. Virtual meetings have not been as popular.

Treasury report (Stephanie Targac): from 7/15/20-10/14/20 the beginning balance was $31,926.74 and the ending balance is $35,109.12. Expenses included USPS PO box and ENP network fees.

Membership Committee (Stephanie Agrella): As of 10/14/20 there are 335 active members. Requesting the ENP website manager to remove the default automatic renewal as many members are unaware of the automatic payment.

Social Media (Jovan Hernandez): no updates.

Preceptor Initiative (Amy Britton): Continue to promote the preceptor initiative on the website and fb page. We are offering restaurant gift cards to support local businesses as well as to appreciate preceptors.

Scholarship committee and conference grant (Kristin Longshore, Crystal Becerra, and Laura Winslett): No applicants. An excellence award applicant was submitted, but past due date. It is recommended to resubmit for the upcoming year.

Medicine Abroad/community outreach (Marilyn Patillo and Eddie Maraboto): The AAPN educational cruise 2020 has been postponed but a tentative date for the upcoming year will be planned.

AAPN offered $1,000 to support UTMRC, it has not been awarded or requested at this time. Volunteers would like to present the work they have accomplished since the pandemic. AAPN members who have been active in the leadership are Jovan Hernandez, Sherry Cook Rousey, and Hong Pham.

AAPN member Mary Beth Wargo has been deployed to NY, Chicago, and Houston. She will be awarded the community outreach grant of $500.

New Business: Stephanie Agrella will be the upcoming president of AAPN on January 1, 2021, Stephanie Dang will remain on the board as past president for 1 year and director of membership.