Austin Advanced Practice Nurses

UT Austin doctoral student request

Posted almost 5 years ago by Henry Guevara

From: Papermaster, Amy <> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 9:58 AM Subject: Re: Updated Updated list!!


Hello! I am a fellow NP at UT Health Austin in my final project in the PhD in nursing journey and am looking for NP participants to complete a 10-minute survey. I am interested in the beliefs and values of NPs regarding curbside consultation, or the way NPs communicate with other providers in seeking and receiving advice in the care of their patient(s).

While there is no prize gift card or bonbon for participation, please consider participating in this study in the spirit of “a rising tide lifts all ships” as we work towards advancing NP’s role across the board. Please select the link below to get started and know that I am personally so grateful for your help! Also, please feel free to share this link with other NPs outside of UT Health Austin :) 


Thank you very much!

Amy Papermaster